Friday 8 March 2013


Facebook began Thursday transforming the stream of updates from friends at homepages into a “personalized newspaper”, with news ranging from the personal to the global.
The News Feed on homepages at the leading social network was revamped to get rid of clutter and present “bright, beautiful” stories, such as insights from friends or trending news of the day.
“I think there is a special place in the world for this sort of personalized newspaper,” Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg said when introducing the overhauled News Feed. “It should have a front page and top news section or let you drill down into any topic you want.”
Facebook is rolling out the new News Feed “very slowly” at its website reached by desktop or laptop, and will begin adding it to smartphone and tablet applications in the coming weeks.
Each News Feed will automatically be tuned to the interests of individual Facebook users, according to technical lead Chris Struhar.
Pictures in the feed will be gleaned from friends’ posts or online pages people have indicated they “like”.
If a Facebook user follows pages from CNN or other professional media organizations, top shared or trending stories are displayed.
Music or film lovers should see News Feeds touting fresh developments regarding bands, stars, movies, songs or other related subjects.
Struhar told AFP that “we hope you get all you need” without having to leave Facebook to seek stories at websites such as Google News or Yahoo! News.

Courtesy: - Spider

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